Tuesday, July 7, 2009

post wedding life


  1. It looks like it is getting cold. I am not looking forward to that. How is married life. A lot better than being engaged huh.

  2. Happy Birthday Sasha!!! How old are you? Love ya, Ty, Kar, Bos and Stat

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! Why didn't I know it was your birthday? What day is it? Are you moving soon? How many times have you gone snowboarding?

  4. Hey Lynnett,
    It was on the 9th of July, much fun was had!!
    I have been up the mountain three times so far but seem to be getting worse. Im working on it though.
    We move on the 23rd so we still have a week or so. not excited, i think we are going to have a yard sale, we have somehow accumulated a tonne of stuff.
    How are Katie and Mollee doing? how long are you staying in Georgia?
